Martin (1992: 311):
Table 5.7 illustrates a number of these Process ° Range constructions. Note the way in which they contrast with the Process ° Medium structures in parentheses. From the point of view of field, the Process ° Range:process structure involves just one meaning (which is realised through two lexical items, one elaborating the other; the Process ° Medium structures on the other hand involve two meanings, and an action and the participant that action is mediated through).
Table 5.7. Elaboration and extension in the clause Clauseprocess = range:process (process + medium) play tennis (play + the ball) sing song (sing + her x to sleep) score run (score + some dope) ask question (ask + Mary x to tea) tell story (tell + him off) take bath (bathe + the baby) do dance (dance + her x over) make friend (befriend + John)
Blogger Comments:
[1] The view from field is irrelevant to whether or not 'the Process ° Range:process structure involves just one meaning'.
[2] A 'Process ° Range:process structure' construes two meanings: a process and a range of the process — not one.
[3] In the case of a verbal Process, the Range (Verbiage) is related to the Nucleus by projection, not elaborating expansion.
[4] In SFL theory, logico-semantic relations obtain between the Nucleus and participants (and circumstances) outside the Nucleus — not between the Process and Medium within the Nucleus. There are no extending relations between the Nucleus and other participants (Halliday & Matthiessen 1999: 174-5).
[5] 'Friend' is an entity, not a process.
[6] In such construals, 'Mary' functions as Beneficiary (Receiver), not Medium — the omitted Sayer is the Medium. The Receiver is related to the Nucleus by enhancement, not extension.