Sunday 26 April 2015

Misrepresenting Speech Function [New]

Martin (1992: 46):
It was further noted that through ellipsis and the grading systems associated with MODALISATION, MODULATION and attitude the grammar is structured in such a way as to pair off the interacts, giving rise to the seven basic adjacency pairs suggested above. The major limitation of the description to this point is that it is not explicit about how in dialogue this pairing takes place. Both MOOD and SPEECH FUNCTION classify individual interacts, not sequences. It is to the question of sequencing interacts that this section now turns.

Blogger Comments:

[1] This is misleading, because it is not ellipsis, attitude and modality that give rise to adjacency pairs, but the fact that the giving or demanding of information or goods-&-services (SPEECH FUNCTION) invites a response from the addressee.

[2] This is misleading, because it is not true. The system of SPEECH FUNCTION specifies both initiating and responding moves. Halliday (1985: 69) listed the responses as follows:

and Halliday & Matthiessen (2004: 108) later provided the following system network:

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