Thursday, 21 January 2016

Misconstruing Experiential Manifestations Of Expansion As Logical Metaphor

Martin (1992: 409):
When combined with experiential metaphors, incongruent conjunctive relations are realised across a variety of TRANSITIVITY structures.  Note the following variations on [6:23f]:

material process

The Second World War further encouraged the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis.

circumstance of cause

Because of the Second World War the Australian economy was restructured towards a manufacturing basis.

circumstantial attribute

The restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis was due to the Second World War.


The cause of the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis was the Second World War.

circumstantial process

The restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis resulted from the Second World War.

Blogger Comments:

[1] From the perspective of SFL theory, there are no conjunctive relations in any of these purported examples of logical metaphor.  Instead, these clause simplexes exemplify some of the experiential environments that 'construe expansion as a semantic system' (Halliday & Matthiessen 2004: 597).

[2] This is a circumstantial identifying relational Process of cause: reason, not a material Process. The identity decodes the Second World War by reference to the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis.

The Second World War
the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis
Manner: degree
Process: relational: circumstantial

[3] The grammatical environment of cause as ideational metaphor is group rank (Thing), not clause rank (Value).

of the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis

The cause [of the restructuring of the Australian economy towards a manufacturing basis]
the Second World War
Process: relational: intensive

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